The first paper maker

“Vespa” is the Italian word for “wasp”. The wasp was the first paper producer on earth. It builds her nest with home made card board. She produces a sort of pulp by mixing fibres of plants with her saliva. The pulp dries and becomes hard.


A certain Chinese called Cai Lun has probably copied this art from the wasps in the year 105 A.D. and thus invented paper. He crushed fibres of bamboo, the bark of the paper mulberry and silk waste, mixed them with water and dried the pulp. He had now made paper.


Discoveries in graves have shown that a kind of paper was already being used in China before our era. Recent archaeological findings in Northwest China have proven that paper almost certainly already existed in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.)


Our world is all about paper, one of the finest and most important inventions of mankind.